Uniandes and JLU have collaborated for more than 50 years to establish an institutional partnership that has developed into an exceptional strategic bond. Together with other German and Colombian universities, JLU and Uniandes have initiated two centres of excellence, which have attracted international attention: The scientific and academic consortium “Corporation Center of Excellence in Marine Science (CEMarin)” and the “German-Colombian Peace Institute Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ)”. Past year, the two international networks “SDGnexus” and “ColombiaCONNECT” broadened the opportunities for interdisciplinary research projects. Today we invite you to be part of the longstanding, extraordinarily successful cooperation between Uniandes and JLU.
If you are a professor, researcher, or PhD student at JLU Giessen or at Universidad de los Andes, and you are interested in meeting other researchers in related fields who are also interested in exploring opportunities for international collaboration, please complete this brief form with your contact information and interests.
Once you submit this form, your profile will be visible in the Networking gallery below.
We will contact you with more details on the scheduled virtual networking session November 18th, 2021 (10:00 COT / 16:00 CET). Please save the date and share with your colleagues this event for expanding your network and exploring collaboration opportunities.
You can find the preliminary program for the Research & PhD Networking JLU Giessen – Uniandes event here. If you have any question or comment, please contact Camilo Villa ([email protected]) at Universidad de los Andes, or Susanne Faber ([email protected]) at JLU Giessen.
Networking event presentations:
Thank you for your participation in our networking event! You can download the presentations from the links below:
- 1. German Colombian Peace Institute – CAPAZ & Partnership Transitional Societies (Dr. Carlos Nupia, Administrative Director CAPAZ)
- 2. Corporation Center of Excellence in Marine Sciences – CEMarin (Prof. Thomas Wilke, Vicepresident)
- 3. ColombiaCONNECT Network (Ana María Aguirre Cañas, Director Colombia CONNECT)
- 4. SDGnexus Network (Prof. Lutz Breuer, Principal Investigator)
- 5. Opportunities for PhD and cotutelle at JLU Giessen (Dr. Imke Neumann-Fatia, International Office JLU)
- 6. Opportunities for doctoral students at Uniandes (Camilo Villa, Head of research collaboration, International Office Uniandes)
- 7. Funding opportunities JLU Giessen – Uniandes (Camilo Villa, Head of research collaboration, International Office Uniandes)
Networking gallery:
Please review our policy for the processing of personal data here: https://uniandes.edu.co/es/uso-de-datos-personales-uniandes