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I want to go to Uniandes. How should I apply?

I want to go to Uniandes. How should I apply?

Calls for incoming students are open 3 times a year as follows:

  • In September of the previous year, apply to study during the first/spring semester of the following year in Uniandes (January - May)

  • In March, apply for the inter-semester period or summer schools (June - July)

  • In February, apply to carry out studies in the second/fall semester of the year in Uniandes (August - December)

What does the application process look like?

  1. Nomination: Your nomination must be made by the mobility office of your home university through our Move On platform. Our partners will receive a username and password to complete this form for the dates established for the nomination.

  2. Application: During this stage, students should prepare all required documentation to apply to Universidad de los Andes. These digital files are uploaded onto the Move On application form following the instructions. This process must be completed before our application deadline. If you come as an exchange student but we do not have your nomination, your application will not be considered.

  3. Admission: Once you have fulfilled all of the requirements before the established Uniandes deadlines, you will receive an official response from Uniandes confirming that you were accepted or denied. If accepted, you will receive the admission letter that will allow you to carry out the corresponding visa processes.

How should I apply? Move On Uniandes (MOU)

    The application form and documents should be filled out on our Move On system. Please make sure you have all of the documents in PDF / JPG files before you start the process.

    Tips to prepare your application

      • Keep in mind that the application process in Uniandes must be done one semester before the beginning of your exchange.

      • Verify that Universidad de los Andes offers a corresponding program to your field of study at your university of origin.

      • Verify that you meet the minimum language requirement (non-native students in Spanish).

      • Verify that the courses taught at Universidad de los Andes are of interest and align with your academic plan.

      Exchange semester

      Documents needed for the application:

      • Exchange Semester Move On Uniandes application form

      • Free Mover Move On application form

      • Statement of purpose (pdf): This is the letter in which you express the reasons why you have chosen Uniandes as the institution where you would like to carry out your exchange semester studies.  It must be written in Spanish.  

      • Picture (jpg): Passport size picture (3cmx4cm white background)

      • Official transcript of records (pdf)

      • Language requirement (pdf): A certificate of Spanish B2 CEFR (a certificate from your home institution, a teacher or a Spanish Institute)

      • Passport copy (jpg)

      • List of current courses at your home university (pdf)

      We accept documents in English or Spanish

      Additional documents:

      • Curriculum Vitae (pdf) for master students: Some classes at the Masters level require work experience; therefore, we recommend you include all relevant work information.

      • Portfolio for architecture and design students 

      • For medicine students, please refer to this link for further instructions

      Some classes at the Masters level require work experience; therefore, we recommend you include all relevant work information.

      Summer School

      • Move On Uniandes application form

      • Picture (jpg): Passport size picture (3cmx4cm white background)

      • Official transcript of records (pdf)

      • Passport copy (jpg)

      We accept documents in English or Spanish

      Research Internship

      • Move On Uniandes application form

      • Research proposal (pdf): This is the document in which you explain the research that you plan to do, the time frame, resources, staff involved and the results you are expecting to have.  It must be written in Spanish or English. 

      • Picture (jpg): Passport size picture (3cmx4cm white background)

      • Passport copy (jpg)