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    office of international affairs structure

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) at Universidad de los Andes was created in 2016 as a centralized space to unify the university’s international efforts and widen our academic community’s understanding of international and national contexts through knowledge transfer and the development of intercultural competencies. In this way, we aim to inspire our community to create lasting social impact domestically and abroad.

In order to achieve this, OIA partners closely with a variety of international higher education institutions to create global opportunities in student and staff exchange, co-collaboration in research initiatives and the development of double degrees programs (amongst others).

Our objectives include:

  • Strengthening existing cooperation networks and creating new alliances with international partners in order to expand the offering of international opportunities for incoming and outgoing students and staff
  • Promoting the development of intercultural competences in all members of the community
  • Educating the Uniandes community about the challenges and opportunities related to the internationalization of academic content
  • Guiding institutional strategic decision making in terms of the development of international initiatives at Universidad de los Andes

Uniandes Office of International Affairs Directory